Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Lost Cause

This entry is a journey, a journey that is hidden, but full of meaning and truth, please enjoy!

Fear and Abstraction are the tenets, but what proceeds is a reality that is wholesome, capable of expounding its own grandeur and magnanimity. Yet it is all of it is dependent upon interpretation, let us now investigate the depths that have been left undiscovered. Begin.

The day has almost passed - the prerequisite for the founding of independence in this country - and I cannot help but to wonder how far I have come. This feeling is very similar to that of New York. In New York, I did not have an issue with reading. My trouble lied in writing last summer. The benefits were obvious, but because of my cautious nature, it did not seem right to have such a good time, especially when such fun was birthed from mental pursuits. Who in their right mind finds reading and writing fun? I thought it was a ludicrous idea, absurd even, but now I have learned. There was a time when I wanted to escape the truth of my existence; a time when the truth was a nothing more than a myopic glance of perfection; a time when confusion and its intoxicating effects were more desirable than the clarity of my own reality - a time of abhorrent deceit, of false pretenses, and self-righteous pretension. I was terrified of the truth. I would ask myself, subconsciously nonetheless, Is it real?, and my answer, I must admit, was a defiant no; the answer was sound and resolute at the time, and I accepted it as truth. What a fool I was then to believe that limitation and constriction were the keys to success. But now, yes, but now the answer is lucid and coherent.

I am no longer a subject to the viscous cycle of self-imposed destruction. I learn for the sake of learning, and I do not restrain my opportunities to do so by stagnation. It was easier to ponder about what could have or should have been, but that created a burden that was beyond the limits of human physicality to carry. Atlas? No atlas. The universe was upon me, but now I am liberated. I seek knowledge in all places and I recognize the self-discipline that has carried me thus far, despite my misgivings, my transgressions, my judgments. Yet I am not content. I need more, and will work to fulfill the potential that is my circle, my balance of will. I have no reason to limit myself. Yes, I will take it easy, but in way that is suitable to my talents. I need not lag behind my goals and aspirations. If I desire to complete the task, then that is what I shall do.

Forces of nature, rain down upon us. Cover us in your mercy and let our tears soak into your rivers, your streams, your seas, and your oceans. We know not of the knowledge we seek, but it is our nature to know the light and the darkness. We know not which one is better, so we beg of your forgiveness. Yes, we have altered the natural beauty that is your creation, but we know not what we do. Please, we beg, allow your forces, whatever those forces might be, to guide us in the right direction.

Heaven sings, and the song is Holy. Corruption is not allowed here. Stop.

Now for the foreshadowing...

Do you see the connection? Yes, the connection that is rooted in the very existence of humankind. Please. Tell. Me. You. See. It.


To make a most triumphant return was the plan of action, but only if one desires complete satisfaction. Admit it to yourself - you were lost. Comprehension and understanding escaped you. You ran, you fell. You ran, you conquered. How many times before it is all over?

From whence you came...

A question posed to all men of understanding, but one that will remain The enigma of our time. Limitless we desire it to be, but we are but finite creatures, searching for emptiness that will grant us fulfillment. How can this be so? Do you not understand? But what about me, you, him, her - all of this seems quite complicated. We must plunge deepen into the source of our indulgence, but we cannot go it alone, we need you.

And now we are brought to another triumphant of joy, the defeat of treachery and the ascendency of the Throne. Now there is but one hindering your progress. Profess his name before the crowd, do it, do not be afraid. If you refuse to heed my advice, the wrath will reign down upon and you will submit.

A lot of words; yet all of it not sense. We are not alone, despite what they tell us. So many references to the purity of our own existence, and yet we cannot seem to move. Zeno was correct. The golden apple that shattered the will of Atalanta is now our only desire. Woe is thee. The majority of minds have been corrupted of this greed. Immoral behavior is now accepted, and complacency is no longer a concern. Again, how far will we continue to plunge before we recognize our disposition of evil and degradation...

Another story to be continued. I am still not convinced of my own learning, so I will continue to seek not only the knowledge but the intricacies of its existence. There is a reason for the confusion, but as was true for Socrates, Anselm, Martin Luther, Descartes, Kant, Marx, DuBois, and Wittgenstein, the truth shall be revealed in due time, and fierce debate will follow. We subject ourselves to the confusion because that is what we are most comfortable with, but we do build upon the generations before us and utilize both tradition and enlightenment. There is no victor, only compromise. If you believe otherwise, what could you possibly be fighting for? You know not why you prior into the despair, only that the pain excites you?What is the remedy for such irresponsible behavior? There is no answer, only the sickening and malicious poison of your flesh that shall now be considered the lost cause.

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